Buy the Book - Trusting your Intuition: Discover Your Superpower in 10 days

Trusting Your Intuition

Discover Your Superpower in 10 DAYS


You Don't Know what you Don't Know 

My decision to walk away from a prosperous career in 1991 was the beginning of a whole new world for me. 

Did I doubt the choice? At first, No. Then people shared their thoughts fears about my choice. I allowed their thoughts energy to affect me. The decision was done. Now I was having "second thoughts."

This is how one becomes infected with other peoples mind viruses. Well meaning friends family share their perspectives their fears based on their information. It is "theirs" This energy usually gets absorbed by the beginner empath newbie waking up. Now you start to focus on "their stuff" instead of what your inner guidance was saying to you.

It is like someone saying to think of a pink elephant. You immediately think of a pink elephant. Even if I say, "Don't think of a pink elephant." Your mind still conjures up an image of a pink elephant.

There are infinite possibilities in Source / consciousness. You don't know you don't know? In universal words "you know you know." The question is do you have the confidence to trust the seemingly new step forward?

Are you willing to trust your guidance when everyone else is doing things differently?

If you do, you will discover less stress. Less anxiety. Less worry. More freedom!

However, maybe, your comfort zone is stress anxiety worry. Is it?

Maybe you prefer to stay awake at nights. Staring at the ceiling. Tossing and turning. Playing out the different scenarios in your head. Scrolling social media. Talking about what could happen if...

If you procrastinate long enough the stress can turn into dis-ease dis-order. Become numb dis-connected from your inner knowing. 

If this is you, then how could you imagine a world of hearts desires designed for you? You have yet to experience it.

When I made the choice to leave corporate it was a deep inner feeling this could NOT be the point of life. Making tons of money to buy everything and never being satisfied. I never knew how wonderful life could become by making that one key choice. 

I have been medication free for 30 years. Left the medical system behind. Know how to self heal. This is all by following my inner guidance. 

I learned that money is only a subset of abundance. There are so many other ways to receive abundance without trading time for money. The giving trusting receiving economy is blossoming.

The magic begins.

How valuable would that Superpower be in your life?

Other's ideas may work for you, or they may not.  

However your inner guidance always knows what is best for YOU.  

Join others crossing the bridge from fear to freedom, from doubt to trust, from lack to abundance, from ego to spirit with this link:


You will become best friends with your inner guidance. T
he greatest gift you can give yourself.   

The new currency is JOY. Doing what you love knowing you have everything you need is the new paradigm.

Do you think you deserve to have the freedom to live your life on your terms and bring forth the desires of your heart?

If you said YES, we look forward to developing our relationship with you!

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