Under the Influence


You've heard that expression "under the influence" right?

The first time I heard it was used about someone who had been drinking excessively.

"He's under the influence." It had to do with him being drunk.

It was the excuse. 

He was NOT thinking clearly.

It was the excuse to show compassion for the person who was "under the influence."

The phrase is to help explain this is NOT his normal behaviour. It is a rationalization for his way of being. It is an excuse. A justification. 

It is common for people "under the influence" to say, "I did not know those would be the impacts."

Beginning Heart Walkers are learning to discern energies. To get out from "under the influence.

They are in a fog like someone who has been drinking, "under the influence."

Their perceptions are blurred yet seem crystal clear to the one "under the influence." They know they are right with their words actions. They can never open the door to you as it reflects back to them the truth of Love.


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How I Overcame Fear in my Life!

#fear #forgive #joy #love Oct 10, 2021

Robin shares her personal triumph over fear.

One day I was sitting down in my living room doing my particular version of meditation, when I was struck by an amazing thought and visuals.

I had been meditating on fear and how it seemed to rule so many aspects of my life. I used to call it worry or concern, or anxiety as those terms seemed more socially acceptable, and I could make myself believe I was not really afraid. 

Truth be told, I always knew it was plain old fear, no matter how I dressed it up, and that particular day I decided to have a “truth moment”. I said, “No more lying to myself, I need clarity, this fear program is stopping right now!!” I knew deep down, that self-Honesty was the only way to figure this all out.

So, one by one,  I started to look at all the areas in my life that produced fear:

Fear for my children
Fear of lack be it money, food, security,
Fear of public speaking,
Fear of doing the wrong thing,
Fear of dying,
Fear of...

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Do you Worry about your Future? Would you like to Trust the Process more?

I used to worry.  I grew up believing that "worry" was a part of life.  It was normal to worry.   Everyone, especially mothers, did it.  That idea seems laughable to me today.  Worry might be normal but it is not natural.

There was a time that thoughts of worry, like busying myself with figuring out a back up plan, consumed me.  Driving in the dark, frankly, anything in the dark, caused some unsettling and uneasy feelings in me.  Truthfully I lived in a constant state of fear on the inside, but thought this was normal.   

At one point in my life, I lived in a condo with gatehouse security.  I had a security system in my condo.  I still slept with a butcher knife under my pillow and the phone beside my bed, ready to phone 911.  

This all transformed as I confronted the memories of my childhood.  I had neatly tucked them away to protect my mind from fear and worry overload. 

As I was driving in the pitch...

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The Great Reset is Within You


The journey from the mind to the heart can be the longest one ever endured by you. It is a journey within YOU. You are the only witness to all your experiences.

It's the Road Less Travelled like in Robert Frost's poem, and the one that fits the Pareto principle: the 80/20 rule.  Twenty percent of the people do eighty percent of the work.  

The vision that I given to express into the world June 2017:

One billion people healed from the inside out, trusting their inner guidance, and enjoying the journey to their heart's desires.  

Everyone is living in their best whole new world.

One billion seemed like a lot back in 2017 when many were working on visions and goals of one million, yet I seeded it and watched it multiply! 

Twenty percent of eight billion people on the planet is one billion, isn't it?
Twenty percent are saying NO to the jab.

Twenty percent trust their inner guidance, intuition, wisdom.
Twenty percent have done a lot of healing already and know health...

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